Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another weekend at the City.....

On the Sandridge Bridge

The Travellers on Sandridge Bridge over the Yarra River by Lebanese artist Nadim Karan, along with City of Melbourne designers, is a tribute to the city of Melbourne's multicultural heritage. Melbourne is home to people from more than 140 countries. The work includes 128 glass panels placed along the bridge, telling stories of the original Indigenous inhabitants and Melbourne’s many waves of migrants from all over the world. Here's 2 panels that are of particular interest:


and Malaysia, Dad's and Mom's home countries

Wait a minute!!! Who took this pic? Woh, let me explain, before you get any funny ideas. Now, we passed by the aquarium and dropped by to catch up with some friends from Mommy's mother group. That's no stranger, she's Ava. We were trying to catch a better view of some fishes in the tank, that's all, really. The podium we were standing on was a bit small hence the situation, that is all I have to say!!!

Still looking, now with Jackson. Can you see the blue podium we were standing on?

Now get the true picture....this is what I am after!

Through the window looking into the basement dining floor at Nobu in the Crown Casino

Mommy and I

Taking a break at the resting lounge in Crown

Later, we met Dad's friend and his family. This is Tia, she's 2 months my senior.

Who's the cute baby?

Who's the handsome boy?

Tia, get ready for the camera!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

With mom and dad, waiting for the train.....

The look on my face is all excitement as a train just passed the station

Dad couldn't get me to look at the camera as I was still catching glimpses of the vanishing train

Isn't it a lovely sunset at Burnley station?

Look, a giraffe!!!

One of my favourite animals, the giraffe! I reckon this one, tucked away at a corner of the Myer store, is rather incomplete with the paint work half-finished. However, that did not stop me for taking this picture (how many giraffes do you encounter each day anyway?)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Johnathan and me.....

Uncle Chris, Auntie Clarine and my mate Johnathan came over for dinner in the weekend. Look how Jonathan has grown, the last time I saw him, he was but a little newborn baby! Johnathan's a little over 2 months now but weighs nearly 6 kgs, wow, he's growing up fast! I was really excited and fascinated that I had a young guest at home so I was busy helping out, making sure Johnathan's alright and did my bit to make him feel more at home.
Tucking in the sheets for Johnathan
(I also gave him a gentle pat on the head to calm him when he's crying, and cleaned his face with a towel)

Johnathan and me

Uncle Chris and me with baby Johnathan in the background

Look how comfortable Johnathan is on the rocker!

Monday, July 7, 2008

My quick recipe: Pizza

1. Prepare the pita bread

2. Spread the bread with a coat of tomato paste

3. Dress it liberally with sliced fresh mushrooms

4. Add meat or seafood (optional)

5. Topped with your favourite cheese

6. After 3 minutes in the oven at 175 degress celcius

It's fast and delicious.

Estimated preparation time about 10 minutes. Cooking time 3 minutes, all up not more than 15 minutes.

Enjoy my pizza recipe!

Another shopping adventure.....

I have in my hands a Bob the Builder truck

Test drive this racing car

and this tricycle......

An interactive R2-D2

And a toy dinosaur that moves!

Let's go to the playground....

It's sunny today, in the midst of the winter season, I jump at this opportunity to go to the playground. But it's still quite windy out there, but no worries, I am adequately wrapped with layers of protection to ensure that the cold breeze would not impede me having a fun time!

Happy I am

Tuesday, July 1, 2008